Words to keep me sane

Sometimes the only action you can take is to let go.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Another step forward

We finally got the results of our second beta. Today we are at 353. Relieved and thrilled are both understatements. We know there is a LONG road ahead but we are happy to be on the journey. They aren't having me come back on Friday, for which I am thankful. In past pregnancies we have never had good news from a third beta. I am not superstitious, but I think I will do better to just relax and trust that things can be different this time instead of fretting over phone calls and numbers. There is nothing I can do about it anyway so in and out I breathe. Our ultrasound will be on Tuesday afternoon. I know there won't be a chance of seeing much, but something, anything in my uterus would be cause for happiness. And a milestone we haven't before reached.


Erin said...

Yippee - awesome number. I'll be thinking good thoughts for your 3rd beta and ultrasound!

Geohde said...

Really hoping the ultrasound gives only good news,


Grad3 said...

Great news!!! Praying you get even better news on Tuesday :) As always, cheering you on... Hugs

Lollipop Goldstein said...

Congratulations! That is fantastic news.

Natalie said...


Kami said...

Yeah! Hope everything keeps looking good.

Makingpeace said...

Congratulations! That is fantastic news. I'm so jealous you get to have an U/S so early...although I'm sure the wait seems so long!